As One by L’arc En Ciel (Review)

L’arc en Ciel is among my favorite rock bands, and I’ve been following their work ever since I heard of them way back ’09. They’re very versatile when it comes to the spectrum of music they perform, they’ve done alt-rock, visikei, metal, and even performed a cover of a ballad.

There’s this specific song that I like not just because it was a well arranged musical piece, but also for the deep meaning within the lyrics itself.


Unable to cover the rashness that is stick on the DNA

*History repeating – panic and confusion
History is weeping – sense of disillusion
History repeating – pieces of a puzzle
Why can’t we just live as one?*

**Nowhere to run – we’re seeking redemption
No waiting for divine intervention
Search for the tree that overcomes death
Taking the fruit – discover a new way to breathe**

Insert the key leading to the future
Salvage the life that is slowly breaking down

* Repeat
** Repeat

History repeating – science and perversion
History is weeping – weapons of destruction
History repeating – in our final hour

Why can’t we just live as one?

** Repeat

Yes. a large amount of hidden symbols here, like at the beginning of the song, where they state the impurity in our being (rashness that’s stick in the DNA), and then the next following lines describe how our development put us in a self-destructive cycle. That one, was of course stating the obvious in a very good way, saying that our pain and suffering is as much a part of us as is our DNA.
But the heavy part here is at the second lines in the chorus:

Nowhere to run – we’re seeking redemption
No waiting for divine intervention
Search for the tree that overcomes death
Taking the fruit – discover a new way to breathe

It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end -this was a clear reference to the Qabalah! According to that tradition, the Tree of Life  (tree that overcomes death), if understood and worked with properly, can bring true wisdom and a realization of the true nature of God/Chaos/Void/Nothing (Taking the fruit – discover a new way to breathe).

I’m still thinking of the chances of this being just a coincidence against this being on purpose….

But hey, as far as I know, there’s no such thing as coincidence.

^ _ ^